Tuesday, March 4, 2014


The actor Michael Douglas highlighted the link in June last year when he blamed his throat cancer partly on oral sex. could it be ? How? What's the risk? Should oral sex be off the agenda? would that be unrealistic?

Ladies are vaccinated against the virus at 13 to protect them against cervical cancer; so clearly they are less at risk. 
Many cancers in younger people are the result of the human papilomavirus ( HPV), often passed by oral sex.

Read more at: http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/?articleID=2000106037&story_title=need-to-vaccinate-boys-as-change-in-sexual-habits-lead-to-mouth-cancer

When God created sex, He didn't put a name to it. He didn't call it doggy, 69, oral, missionary or any of the 100 or so listed in the Kamasutra manual. What is mentioned is that Adam knew his wife and she was with child, not throat cancer. Call it being old-school but the world would be rid of cervical, throat and prostrate cancer if it stuck to the normality of God created sex that was mainly meant for procreation.

Homosexuals are at a higher risk of being infected with S.T.Is like chlamydia, gonorrhea or syphilis seems which  increase risk of cancer.

One wonders what happened to morals and straight men and women. If your arm causes you to sin then cut it, so if oral sex increases your chances of getting throat cancer then stop it. If having sex with multiple partners makes you gullible to cervical cancer why not stick to one partner; or better yet why not abstain and save yourself the trouble and torment of getting on with a cancer riddled life?

But again, the choice is yours,we live in a free world where orgies are as simple as eating ugali.

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