Thursday, June 20, 2013

a little learning is a dangerous thing,
drink deep, or taste not the pieran spring.
there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
and drinking largely sobers us again.

                                  Alexander pope

a little too late

too young too dumb to realize,
you should have complimented and be slow to criticize size,
...put down your pride and ego which's the biggest size,
and treat her like she's your most treasured prize.

you should probably have bought her flowers,
buy a house and tell her it's "ours"
proudly say your heart got no more buyers
because it's taken and it's already her's.

do you even realize what it is i say,
or are you saying she can go if she may?
i hope you understand that alone you'll lay,
or you  blindly let your eyes and heart stray.

so now she's dancing with another man,
who probably bought her sweet berries in a can,
so even if you love her you won't get her back if u can,
she,s moved on...the least u can do is come up with a 'move on' plan.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

 an enemy of the people

fi fie foe fie fie foe
i smell the blood of a peaceful foe
or not, could be a craftily slain doe,
so should i shut up and set up a doe?

bing bing bong bing bing bong
hit that roundie with a gong
don't just sound it loud but sing a song
for we picked a choirmaster with a tong!

puff puff puff,puff puff puff
prepare the wine prepare the dough,
sing and dance as it flows through the trough
for the mighty have fallen and those we thought tough.

but hold your horses,hold your horses,
are this  my thoughts or I'm i hearing muttered voices,
are you know reckoning your choices?
and trying to sing and be heard above the noises??

"it is late i say, it is late i say
for you said yes and cheered me yesterday,
a cow is to hay as your now answer is to nay?
allow me if i may,to inform you its late to change your mind so to say"

so beware,because a foe is a foe
whether exposed as coal or disguised as snow,
whether he rid his plane or rode on a canoe,
a foe will always be a foe.

"but you lied you lied" (or so you cried)
"with your promises all so fried,
would it help if we cried because you've been tested and tried,
clearly found wanting, because oh..... you lied."

Saturday, February 9, 2013

what do you talk and sing about???

well i sing of Brooks, of Blossoms, birds and bowers,
of April, May of June and July flowers.

I sing of May-poles, Hock-carts, Wassails, wakes,
of bridegrooms, brides and of tire bridal cakes.

I sing of sisters, brothers and mothers,
of friendship, relationships and lovers.

I sing of the moon sun and rain water,
of summer and the cold chilly winter.
i stood a stone,
mocked of all, and called of one,
with which grief and wrath  i heard,
cupid's statue with a beard,
or else one that played his ape,
in a Hercules his shape.

shine forth, thou star of poets, and with rage,
or influence chide and cheer the drooping stage,
which since thy flight from hence, hath mourned like night,
and despairs day,but for thy volume's light.

o shows! shows! mighty shows!
the eloquent of masques! what need of prose,
or verse, or sense to express immortal you?
you are the spectacles of thine majestic state.

Monday, January 28, 2013

are you a lover of cinnamon???

well then, join me in this polygamous relationship to discuss its benefits.
it prevents colds, chills, warms hands and feet, appetite enhancer( for over 3000 years), helps in digestion, its an anti bacteria, anti fungal, helps regulate blood sugar, has and it has an anti clotting effect on blood.
 so you see, my craving and addiction to cinnamon cake has finally paid off!!!!

think you can dig......?

well then, dig this: the biggest man made hole in the world is 525m deep and 1.5km in diameter. the suction from the hole is so powerful that helicopters flying over it have crashed.
so all you got to do is go over to Mirna, Siberia and see where diamond used to be excavated from!!!!!
facts about coca cola
  • first invented by a pharmacist named John Pemberton of Atlanta, Georgia as a medicine to cure headaches.
  • original ingredients were coca leaves and kola seeds hence the name coca cola.
  • when mentos is added to coca cola, the carbon dioxide in the coke will be rapidly released, causing the coke in the bottle to burst out.
  • it is also used to cure jelly fish stings.
  • if you get gum in your hair, well rinse it in coca cola and it will come  off very easy.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

 please don't laugh, cry instead

"oh my gosh what should i wear?"
"choose something sexy but not very revealing, you don't wanna push him off you know", said Faith to her friend Luce. "i don't want to seem too eager and since when did 'sexy' push a man away? anyway im confused what to wear!"
"come on girl! confused..cuz of a date? puhleez....just get dressed and get yourself to that hotel."
"okay okay, i tink i'll wear my LBD  with the silver shoes,thanks gotta go!" (hungs up)

Luce could'nt wait to get to the Sarova hotel where she had a hot date with Jeremiayer; so she made sure everything about her outfit and appearance was perfect.
minutes later she made a gratefull entrance into the magnificent hotel where a polite courteous waiter directed her to her reserved table where her prince charming Jeremy as sh calls him, awaited her.

Luce could literally see the stars twinkle and shine as they arose with every sparkle of anticipation that rose within her as Jeremy hugged her and with a wave dismissed the waiter to bring them wine.
Jeremy leaned closer and whispered "hey Luce lovely, I've missed you and couldn't...."
Luce did not even hear the rest of his statement due to the sound of crushing glass stars she had built in the air when the pungent smell of his breath that was like that of a pigsty hit her.

One minute she was swooning at the conqueror of her heart, the other one she was...well, i think i need not finish for we can all guess the repercussions of Jeremy's bad breath. we can also guess that Luce didn't exactly have a good time if at all she chose to stay and persevere through that whirlwind of stench of bad breath and if Jeremy is lucky enough, maybe Luce might buy him a toothbrush for a birthday present and take him for a free field trip to the Dental Hospital in Kenyatta.

My question is: what happened to the 'brush after every meal' lessons we were given in primary school, what happened to 'floss' regularly' advice from the doctor and all adverts you view for free in the TV?A man is not only about how he grooms himself bit it's also about the scents his body emits; this goes for the ladies too by the way. This will cost you a mere 50bob i.e 25 bob for toothpaste and 25bob for  a toothbrush and don't you dare complain this is expensive considering you always use bamba 50 or more everyday. So do you want that kiss or not...?then i suggest you start brushing those teeth regularly.
to all lovers of nature specifically trees, here's a fun and artistic way to urge people to take care of trees.

i swing this way i swing that way,
to the sweet rythm of the wind my 'hands' and hips sway,
join me in my dance if you may,
for it is a jolly good day.

sometimes it may 'rain' and for this i have didain,
when you mercilessly come and rip off my skin causing me pain,
my pleas you don't hear even when blood leaves on my flesh a stain,
as you joyously say you've found a cure for that which ails you you claim.

you say you need to light a fire so my branches you chop,
you say you want to sweep floors so my leaves you cut and use a mop,
leaving me weak and wishing i'd drop,
but why wish and you are ready with your axe for my life to chop.....

an oasis in the desert
when billows roll, and lightning across the sky tears,
when the sky begins to fall, and all you can do is stare,
as your dreams come to a stall, and you know not how you will fare,
all you have to do is stop and call, call God at most for he will care.

to what extent is your achievement, have you conquered it all they'll ask
do you cherish any derailment, or with ease do you execute a task?
are you what they call an ailment, or do you have value like a forbidden tusk?
to the world you'll have to prove you are competent, lest you'll be gone and not missed like the dusk.

it may come as a shock, that your efforts they may not embrace,
do not put your hope on a clock, for by this you may loose grace,
but safely encompass your dreams on a dock, to repair and improve i a timely pace,
your efforts and trials they may mock, but remember God has put your life together by a strong lace.

i therefore beseech you not to espair, don't loose faith don't loose heart,
don't be the game but be the player,for youto come this far means you're smart
so let go of the dram of the paper chaser, there's more to life and its by playing your part,
always remember to say a prayer, and allow God to be the controller of your cart.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A cry of a lover's heart
give me love, maybe i want to be loved,
give me your heart, maybe i want to stay in it,
give me your lips, maybe i want a taste of them,
give me time to spend with you....i want not to waste any minute without you,
give me you, because i want you in every way.

can i hold you in my arms? i want you to stay there forever,
can i cuddle you in my chest? i want you to stay there for all times,
can i fall asleep next to you? i want us to walk in dreamland together,
can i be yours? i want you to belong to me,
can you be mine for eternity?

Twilight girl  
pale face, cracked lips, red eyes,
breathing in slow forced breaths,
long days struggling to put food on the table,
lonely nights with strange men.

they say she's in the class B-team,
she can't go out during the day,
it is too bright for bats to go out,
so she stays in and waits for her time.

her face is slowly sinking and wasting,
her skin is sagging- slowly becoming pale,
but still sells love to another man cheaply,
....the worst things in life come free.

as the sun creeps up, she creeps back into her hole
waiting for her time to come for its not yet her's to prowl
its another day, another wasted day for her,
eyes are shut, limbs are relaxed n breathing slows-for a moment she's at peace.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

dear good girl.

hey you good girl..yes u pretty face,
listen to me with your golden big heart,
better back away from him,
you don't have to be so blind, he's not good for you god girl.

dear good girl,y u gotta love that bad boy?
do u hv to give him anything and everything,
but it's a matter ot time and u will realize,
that he is not god for you.

 he drives u in his big car and takes u to alot of places,
but he also drives her n her in that same car n takes them to all those places too
yes, you r his number one he's told u so a couple of times,
but when will u see that u are not his only one?

so dear good girl, settle down and hold your peace,
be wise and let go of your wild bad boy,
don't wait till you cry 4 u to kinow he's not good for you,
continue being a good girl and wait for your good boy,they still exist!!