Tuesday, February 18, 2014

 this ladies and gentlemen, is how my week started
So it’s a Monday morning and my loud mouthed friend whom I haven’t seen since Thursday (valentines’ eve) keeps on yapping about how “romantic” her valentine was and wouldn’t just shut up. I am newly single so the last thing I really want to hear about is how her boyfriend did this and that for her. I’m not being a sadist but hey, give a girl a break and let’s talk about something constructive say for example, how to stone a man who stood you up on VALENTINE’S DAY.
The faint far off ache in my head soon turns into a fully blown migraine as she tells me how she ate chocolate with him after going for an extravagant shopping extravaganza. “Moni will be the death of me,“ I mumble to myself as I Slowly  see my life flashing before my eyes. But something snaps me back to life. Wait a minute! Isn’t her boyfie up in Dubai working his a$$ off so as to support her??
I promise you I am usually not this slow, but you mean the 7k coat, Italian shoes, bouquet of tulips and orchids, 15k shopping, 5 geez of pocket money and dinner at the Norfolk were not from her official better half but from her clande!! Wololo, one wonders what she ‘paid’ or promised so as to get all that. I mean, who in this Kenya, with the high rise in inflation can give you his 5 bob for free (keeping in mind it’s the lowest currency).
Our boss comes into the office so Moni scurries off after exchanging rather excessively warm pleasantries. This gets me thinking, normally, he ( the boss) shouts at us all the time, but of late he’s been treating her nicely and never yells at her. Hmmm, I wonder why……? anyway, its none of my business so I better get back to work because this scripts ain’t gonna write themselves.

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