I love the feeling of the wind on my face, i never get tired of it as
it smoothly brushes past my ears whispering soothing melodies to me. And
the green of the trees, always therapeutic. There's a particular orange
flower i grew up seeing and breathing in it's beautiful aroma day by
day; that i particulary miss now that we moved and it doesn't grow in
our area. Should go check it out someday in the new future hopin it has
survived the harsh angry weather.
Better yet i love the dusk, not that I'm a night prowler as such but lately i am being accustomed to doing my
errands in the evening light. Why you may wonder? I've come to dislike
people's prowling eyes which are full of scorn, envy and the dusk just
provides the cover i need. Have you noticed how beautiful the lights are
when it's dark?
I did my high-school in Kitengela and one thing i
constantly lived for was the few minutes i had after preps just before we
were locked in the dorm. I would always be the first to rush out of
class, unless of course i dozed off and by God's grace the teacher on night
duty had not spotted me and given me the beating of my life, anyway so i
would run and stand at a strategic place and just look at the lights in
the night sky and for a moment I'd be lost in their aesthetic lure and
beauty. More often than not my gaze wondered off the lights in the
horizon yonder and to the blanket of glorious stars engulfing me with
their majesty, oh how i lived for those moments. Now if you've been to
Kitengela, then you know of the many industries in the town that are
brightly lit at night, that was roughly 4 years ago so back to the
present in this small town of Matasia in Ngong division Kajiado county. I
have lived in this town for over 18 years of my life and for some
reason i have never noticed that you can actually see the Ngong Hills
from the bus-stop. I take a minute to just gaze at the hills i grew up
climbing, i think i should climb them again soon but too bad i have a
bunch of lazy friends who would never make the trek even to the gate.
At the town centre, i say hi to almost everyone, "habari ya jioni mama Gacheri" "Mzuri sana Peninah" "Kina Gacheri na Njoro wako aje?" "Wako poa sana. Si ukuje kesho lunch uwasalimie?" "Sawa nitakuja, bye, usiku mwema." "Haya peninah, salimia mum na dad" I walk to the supermarket with a smile, lovely folks these people. One my way back home, i notice it's dark n from a distance i spot one young man whose hair caught my attention, of late i have a thing for short afroish, kinky, rugged African hair so bear with me. His hair was like that of Shakes Makena or better yet like for DJ Boyie of Shujaaz. He's light skinned, even better. Anyway it appears I'm not the only young person who loves the night. The head lights of the rushing cars blind me so i can barely see anything.
As i make the turn to the rough
road i hear some commotion and see torches being flashed around,
apparently someone fell into a shallow manhole that had been dug
recently. 5 years ago I'd have laughed silly at such an incident but
now i only sympathize with the said lady who probably got her ankle
twisted. As we were saying our sorries to her, another lady yet again
fell into the ditch, Kenyans can be blind or is it deaf, u mean she
hadn't heard that us complaining why they would leave such a big
hole uncovered. So by the time i get home, the moon is out. Have u ever
noticed how beautiful the moon is when it's full? I take out my phone to
capture this orange heavenly body, battery low! crap! As i get in through the gate, Marley and Lucky welcome me back warmly and Lucky even manages to steal a
kiss, uuuuurgh i say, as i playfully push him away, oh PS, Marley and
Lucky are my two handsome dogs. I hear mum talking and i concluded
that she was n the phone but as i came closer i saw her phone on the
table, " eer mum, who are u talking to?"
"oh umerudi. i was talking to God", she says
. wow that's lovely i said as i headed to the kitchen to prepare supper.
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Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Some women can be cruel
When a man loves, a woman takes advantage of it. Somehow his
tongue becomes smoother, his demeanour becomes cuter and his ATM becomes easier
looser. It doesn’t really matter if the fellow is as hot as a mug of coffee at
7:00 AM on a Monday morning- if she don’t love you, well.....
Some women can be cruel. For all I know it could be part of their
DNA, I mean ask Adam- Eve is the reason he was kicked out of Eden and had to
dig the hard earth for a living under the scorching fiery sun. Flash forward
some thousand years later, picture a man working his a$$ off to wine, dine,
adorn a woman with jewellery e.t.c all to impress but what does he get in
return? Might as well uliza kiatu,
ask his shoe. Thank God for women like Deborah and Hadassa who change that bad
first impression.
A certain man called a local radio station and said, “My wife is
an angel sent from above-she was dropped from heaven and sent to me.” Cute huh?
I’m sure y’all ladies went aaaaaw and would give just about anything to hear
your guy/hubby say that. So he went on to say and I quote or paraphrase rather,
“her name is LUCIFER, she was rejected in heaven how” he went on to say how unfortunate
he was to be the one punished with her. “She is the devil I tell you!”
How do I ( a self proclaimed feminist) contend with that? So what
are his reasons for such an utterance, you may ask. Turns out the nigga has
been forfeiting his ‘duties’ but it’s not his fault, as much he claimed. He
rises earlier even before the sun and toils hours on end so that can be able to
provide for the family so by night time the guy is simply exhausted and just
wants to sleep, so in return the wifey gets her ‘rights’ somewhere else where
the other man is not as exhausted and
just wants to sleep, that comes well eer afterwards.
Is this situation redeemable?
My defense is, some women are not cruel-raise your hand if you
agree...eeeer okay thank you for those 2/2,000,000 hands. Let’s try this again,
neither relationships nor love is complicated. The trick is, you gotta
understand what love is, it ain’t a fluttery feeling that’s for sure, it’s commitment
and discipline, if you take time and learn about God then you will truly understand
love cuz afterall, God IS love. if you get this, then you will be started on a successful journey of being in love and enjoying it
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