Allow me to be your thesaurus and Wikipedia for the day and describe a few English words we all are familiar with but do not really have insight to their meaning. Word number one is 'walk'. This means to put your legs in motion one after the other in a slow or rather quick motion. Two is 'run'. To run is when you increase your walking motion to seven steps per second (i.e. if you are Usain Bolt) or a mere two steps per second if you are overweight (which sadly most of our population is). Lastly we have 'flee'.
I want you to understand something, running in itself is fast already now picture seeing your dead cat coming towards you at 2 o'clock in the night with two heads and appearing as big as a goat and to top it all it says "hello honey, I've come back from the dead to make you pay for......" if you're thinking what I'm thinking, that your cat can talk and is undead then you'll get the heck out of your bed (assuming you'll be in bed) and ~come on let's say it together~ flee from there.
Do I have a point in all these lamely put semantics? Yes, I do and it’s about reminiscing. It is not a bad thing that is if you have moved on of course. In case you haven't id suggest that you FLEE from that page honey otherwise you'll be going back to your bin to check old emails and restoring photos and videos from your recycle bin which I like to call 'past'. in case you are being as petty as I have a feeling you are, would you please stop thinking about your ex boyfriend or girlfriend, I'm talking about addictions, bad habits, behaviors and evils you and the rotten part of society has approved to be morally correct. Now that I have your attention, would you please cut off the dead weight from your list of this year's resolutions and just move the heck on. I need it, Kenya needs it. Why? Because the rate of highly depressed psychos and bipolars is becoming increasingly high in our country. Good bye good people, I still love you though :P