Thursday, June 20, 2013

a little learning is a dangerous thing,
drink deep, or taste not the pieran spring.
there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
and drinking largely sobers us again.

                                  Alexander pope

a little too late

too young too dumb to realize,
you should have complimented and be slow to criticize size,
...put down your pride and ego which's the biggest size,
and treat her like she's your most treasured prize.

you should probably have bought her flowers,
buy a house and tell her it's "ours"
proudly say your heart got no more buyers
because it's taken and it's already her's.

do you even realize what it is i say,
or are you saying she can go if she may?
i hope you understand that alone you'll lay,
or you  blindly let your eyes and heart stray.

so now she's dancing with another man,
who probably bought her sweet berries in a can,
so even if you love her you won't get her back if u can,
she,s moved on...the least u can do is come up with a 'move on' plan.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

 an enemy of the people

fi fie foe fie fie foe
i smell the blood of a peaceful foe
or not, could be a craftily slain doe,
so should i shut up and set up a doe?

bing bing bong bing bing bong
hit that roundie with a gong
don't just sound it loud but sing a song
for we picked a choirmaster with a tong!

puff puff puff,puff puff puff
prepare the wine prepare the dough,
sing and dance as it flows through the trough
for the mighty have fallen and those we thought tough.

but hold your horses,hold your horses,
are this  my thoughts or I'm i hearing muttered voices,
are you know reckoning your choices?
and trying to sing and be heard above the noises??

"it is late i say, it is late i say
for you said yes and cheered me yesterday,
a cow is to hay as your now answer is to nay?
allow me if i may,to inform you its late to change your mind so to say"

so beware,because a foe is a foe
whether exposed as coal or disguised as snow,
whether he rid his plane or rode on a canoe,
a foe will always be a foe.

"but you lied you lied" (or so you cried)
"with your promises all so fried,
would it help if we cried because you've been tested and tried,
clearly found wanting, because oh..... you lied."